Monday, November 3, 2008

A Poem By Kok Choong

A child cries in the night, cold, hungry. Do we hear the cries of countless numbers around us?


A child cries in the night, cold, hungry.

Do we hear the cries

of countless numbers around us?

Does the laughter of our celebrations

deafen us that we do not hear?



the Christ child's

coming to live, suffer

with us humankind.

We are strengthened

by his grace to share

love, justice and peace

to all.

Thank you for the collaboration

in rebuilding lives & communities,

responding to the peoples' cries in the Area.

Yip Kok Choong

General SecretaryAsia & Pacific Alliance of YMCA

23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 05:05:45

1 comment:

  1. Had personally known Kok Choong (aka KC) since MIF Conference held in KL
    When we were both MIF Presidents then in our youth
    From young he had dedicated himself to serve fellow youth well
    And he did it by example beyond mere use of his mouth

    He had spent the greater part of his early life in various Methodist youth programmes
    Where he helped to develop many youth leadership courses
    In his own personal championship of important and vital causes
    Regardless of them being relatively simple or considered very grand

    In his desire to serve the greater and larger community
    He gave up his promotional teaching post (as senior assistant) to work in the KL YMCA as GS
    With his wide social contacts he had his personal 'immunity'
    And serve faithfully with all his best without empty gas

    He was practically married to YMCA until he met Lucy
    Although deep in his heart the desire to serve God and mankind was what he fancied
    Thus he was prepared to be with Asia Alliance in far away Hong Kong
    Even if it meant he would often be alone due to work all along

    He didn't drink but he was a workaholic
    He would smile often and was fantastic
    He had his winsome ways and was charasmatic
    He had fought the good fight in manner dramatic

    Dedicated to my beloved friend Yip Kok Choong.

    Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 081108
    Sat. 8th Nov. 2008.
